They say “it takes a village to raise a child.” It takes a community to grow an artist. Look at the different organizations that allowed me an opportunity which resulted in my being the October 2018 Artist of the Month at the Short North Dick Blick store.
- Late autumn, 2017,talking with Jay at the Short North Dick Blick (the old Utrect store) about my upcoming Bexley Library show which included my encaustics. After some more conversation (and probably a few photos) I found myself signed up to be their October 2018 Artist of the Month.
- The process of having the library show pushed me into being an active member of the Ohio Art League. The first meeting I attended featured McKenzie Swinehart of the Greater Columbus Arts Council talking about grants.
- I had been looking at Denny Griffith‘s work at Hammond Harkins Gallery and before he died, many of his works were on Gatorboard (making it easier to work large – a goal of mine).
- I applied for and got a materials grant for Gatorboard from the Greater Columbus Arts Council – thank you Mayor Ginther and the Columbus City Council. Show your support for the GCAC by supporting the “Ticket Fee Proposal thru the Columbus City Council survey before 10/11/2018
- I spent most of the summer investigating the use of Gatorboard with Encaustics and producing larger (for me) work. I also arranged for seven frames to be made by Ryan and Jamie at Gregg Frame Studio in bexley.
- I did a mock up of the space in my new studio at 400 West Rich (see photos left & center below)
- Finally, after the show was hung (photo below right) I photographed and made flyers (photo above).
Thank you to the amazing art community that is here in Central Ohio.