Good art-stuff happens!
It should be noted, that I wrote the blog below a couple of days ago and coming back to it now, I find it less personal, just a list really. So here is a summary of the summary. I painted a lot, took a bunch of classes and learned some new techniques (see pics at bottom), got a HUGE new studio in November (see pic above – still moving in, getting settled, closer now), and I started teaching workshops. 2019 was a great year and I hope it was for you also! Here’s looking forward to 2020!
In March I had a painting accepted into a juried show, Operation Monarch, at the Columbus Cultural Arts Center.
In April, the Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) notified me that I had been given a Resource Grant and a Professional Development Grant. I did a Conversations & Coffee talk at the Cultural Arts Center on “The Science of Acrylic Pours.”
In July I celebrated my first year in my studio at @400WestRich. I took a trip to Santa Fe to attend the reception of the 50 States show. My piece, “Many Moons Ago,” is now in the permanent collection of the Museum of Encaustic Art.
In September, my studio at 400 was on the Columbus Open Studio & Stage two-day tour. Friends came to help out and we had a nice time. September was also my one-year annivesary as a partner at Art@43023, an artist co-op gallery in Granville, OH,
In September my friend Shirley & I went to Ireland for 10 days, not directly art related but it has inspired some recent paintings.
In November, while doing a favor for a friend, I discovered that there was a large studio available at 400 on the first floor. This year they replaced the roof and put in A/C units on the 2nd floor but I have been wanting to paint larger than my space allows so now I am on the first floor!
Although not directly related to my painting, this year I have been struggling with skin issues, specifically pre-cancer and then early cancer on my nose. After months of treatment I am happy to say that my nose has a clean bill of health!
Besides the Operation Monarch exhibit, I showed works in joint shows at the 1st Unitarian Church, the Big Local Art Tent during the Arts Festival, at the Carnegie Galley at the Columbus Main Library, at the Ohio Arts League Thumbbox show, at a local restaurant, and in the main gallery at 400. And of course you can see my art year round at Art@43023 in Granville.
Education continues
I did a couple of on-line painting classes: Nancy Reyner’s acrylics intro and Jerry McLaughlin & Rebecca Crowell’s digital Oil & Cold Wax course. Both were excellent and I highly recommend them. I also bought Elizabeth Schowachert’s “Organic Fusion” DVD and was inspired to create some encaustic work.
While in Santa Fe I did a full day one-on-one with Nancy Reyner who guided me in the process for producing works of art using metalic “gold” leaf. I think she is the best in the country. And yes, my resource grant provided the materials.
I also did two Professional Development courses that included weekly video conferencing, dedicated Facebook pages, multi-week course syllabus, and homework. Nancy Reyner has a 6-week class that I took in March and Gwen Fox has a 3-month Master Class that I did all fall. Gwen’s class was mostly paid for by a GCAC grant
Not only am I taking classes but now I am also teaching them! Our first acrylic pour workshop was in July. Nicki Burton, @kincsbynicki and I are having a lot of fun and meeting new art lovers at our monthly/ semi-monthly workshops coordinated by 400 where we both have studios. In November, we were interviewed on the local morning news channel. (Note that my 16 year old grandson, Max, is our studio assistant.)
I take a weekly 3-hour painting class at the Cultural Arts Center and have started taking figure drawing again after a multi-year lapse due to a2016 concussion.
What’s coming
Plans for 2020 include an on-line figure abstraction course in January with Melinda Cootsona. I’ll see her in person in March when she and Jerry McLaughlin team up to teach. I will continue my semi annual one-on-ones with Jerry and I will also continue to follow Nancy Hillis’ Master Class graduate forums.
I have been asked to teach a multi-day workshop at 400 and am working on what I might propose.
Happy New Year and the best for the coming year!